Sunday 7 July 2013

IRCTC Fast Ticket Booking Assistant : Chrome Store

The extension helps you to book IRCTC rail ticket.  

Fill the options data and browse to the web site and keep it running.  
The booking will happen when it opens at 10.00 AM.

1. Passenger Detail typing effort is saved
2. Login and page navigation is automated
3. The automation will wait till 8.00 am (General tickets) and 10.00 am (Tatkal Tickets) before booking the tickets.  No more need to look at the clock before clicking on book ticket.
4.  The automation can try to look for multiple train choice and class availability.

1. For the best result try out the software before actual booking.

2. Disable the extension when you are NOT doing booking

Click Here to Get This Extension for Chrome from chromestore


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  5. Book your irctc tickets in less than 30 seconds now. This save your IRCTC form data even If you close the browser and also, It fills up all details including username and password. You can book your IRCTC tickets in less than 30 seconds now, Guaranteed.


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